Monday, April 6, 2009

About Me

I'm 32, a dad, going to school to finish my bachellors degree, and have a sedentary lifestyle. Yay for being in front of a computer 12 hours a day (/sarcasm). I'm 5'6", weight 213lbs, and have a 38" waist at the moment. As of last week I've estimated my 1 rep maximums as: bench 260, squat 365, and deadlift 315. My goal is to get back down to a lean 175lbs, or lighter if I'm not muscled up like I used to be, and get down to a 34" waist. The lifts I don't think will drop from this point, and to be honest no matter what I do I think they'll continue to increase, at least in the short term.

Ultimately I'd love to get under 10% body fat, but right now that's a long-term goal. A mid-range goal is to get under 185lbs and leave the obese BMI rating. Short term I'd just like to pass my PT test in about a month from now and maybe drop a few pounds in the meantime.

I've been involved in fitness since the summer of 1989 and have worked out off an on ever since. Lately I've been working out since early Feb 09 doing the Intro and Hypertrophy 1 routines from The New Rules of Lifting by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove. I highly recommend this book if you want to get big & strong fast. In fact, I've used this book extensively in the past and it was due to Cosgrove's strength routines that I broke the 300lb bench press barrier for the first time in my life back in Aug 2007. I was also squatting nearly 600lbs and deadlifting over 400lbs. Then right after I took a break because I reached my goal and ended up not getting back into training for several months, which didn't end up sticking. Anyway, back to the book... While the routines are top shelf material, the fat burning routines are simply not my cup of tea.

Seeing as my main focus is to drop the body fat I've chosen to pursue CrossFit as my workout of choice for the time being. Also, I had just started the Strength 1 routine and benched 250lbs for 2, squatted 315 for 1, and deadlifted 275, but both the squat and deadlift weights were too light, about a 7 or 8/10 in difficulty, so there's more strength there than I originally thought.

So there's my basic info for now and I'll be updating this blog as I do the workouts of the day (WOD) with my results. I'll be updating as I check my weight and body fat as well.

If anyone is curious about what CrossFit is or what kind of results you can get, check out their videos:

Here's one more to get you inspired!

A nice breakdown of what CF is all about:

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